
A MySuru Travel website was built by Me and Team for the Hackathon.

  • Technologies Html-Css-Javascript
  • Libraries Jquery, Bootstrap, Animatejs
  • Period December 2020


A MySuru Travel website was built by Me and Nand Patel (Team) for DSC WOW HACKATHON 2020. As a problem statement we built this website from scratch with HTML and CSS and Vanilla Javascript, also used other libraries like Animatejs, BootStrap5, Jquery, Parallax, SmoothScroll and Wow js to make the website user friendly.



MySuru Tourism Guide

Participated in DSC WoW HACKATHON 2020. Where we build this website from scratch and created a Tourism Guide Website for MYSURU city as the problem statement.

We considered the Simple and Clean Design as UI of website.Learnt how to use and interact with APIs. Used basic development technologies instead of frameworks to complete the project in desired time. Researched the Mysuru city online and curious to visit the city.

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New projects, freelance inquiry or even a coffee.


About Me.

Full Stack Web Developer.

I'm Harsh Prajapati, Full Stack Web Developer. I make websites with latest technologies and Frameworks.
I like to resolve coding problems, create smart user interface and imagine useful interaction, developing rich web experiences & web applications.
When not working or futzing around with code, I work on my body physic and Read books to Calm my Curious Mind .
Finding Internship.

  • Favorite
  • UI/UX
  • is Fun.
  • Good At.

Cerasa Redesign

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Project Lato

Hackathon - Team Project - End 2020
A MySuru Travel website was built by Me and Nand Patel (Team) for DSC WOW HACKATHON 2020. As a problem statement we built this website from scratch with HTML and CSS and Vanilla Javascript, also used other libraries like Animatejs, BootStrap5, Jquery, Parallax, SmoothScroll and Wow js to make the website user friendly.

Mysuru Travel

Front-end Developer - Website Redesign - End 2020
A MySuru Travel website was built by Me and Nand Patel (Team) for DSC WOW HACKATHON 2020. As a problem statement we built this website from scratch with HTML and CSS and Vanilla Javascript, also used other libraries like Animatejs, BootStrap5, Jquery, Parallax, SmoothScroll and Wow js to make the website user friendly.