
Showcases latest the Covid Information Fetched From API.

  • Stack ReactJs
  • Libraries React-Leaflet, numeral, chart.js, react-chartjs-2
  • Period October 2020

The Project

An App to know current Worldwide and Countrywide Covid 19 Cases, Recoveries, Deaths in Numerical & Graphical representation.


Personal Project

A challenging project.

As React Developer I created a Realtime Covid-19 Tracker which reflects the information related to covid from API.

I used ReactJs as front-end framework and React Leaflet as in React components for Leaflet maps. I learned to use API's in project which is the crucial for every web-developer.

Next Work

Disney+ Clone

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Let’s talk.

New projects, freelance inquiry or even a coffee.


About Me.

Full Stack Web Developer.

I'm Harsh Prajapati, Full Stack Web Developer. I make websites with latest technologies and Frameworks.
I like to resolve coding problems, create smart user interface and imagine useful interaction, developing rich web experiences & web applications.
When not working or futzing around with code, I work on my body physic and Read books to Calm my Curious Mind.

  • Favorite
  • UI/UX
  • is Fun.
  • Good At.

Linkedin Clone

Front-end Developer - MERN - 2020
A fully responsive LinkedIn clone (Social Media website). Built frontEnd with React.js and used Firebase for Database, Hosting & Authentication. Used Styled Components for styling purposes and Redux for State Management.

Covid 19 Tracker

Website - Personal Project - Middle 2020
An App to know current Worldwide and Countrywide Covid 19 Cases, Recoveries, Deaths in Numerical & Graphical representation.

Covid-19 Tracker

Front-end Developer - Website Developement - NOV 2020
A simple fully functioned Weather App. Built with React.js and deployed on netlify. Used OpenWeatherMap API to fetch and showcase the Weather Data and Interaction with it.