
Recently Completed 3 months (Sept-Nov-2021) Internship at Profundity.

  • Full Stack ReactJs, Django, PostgreSQL
  • Libraries React-Katex Latex Rendering , Redux, Axios
  • Period September-November 2021


Got the internship opportunity from Internshala worked on the Internship project for 3 months and got a chance to execute the existing project and learn knowledge of web dev to implement in making real-world applications in production/industry. Used ReactJs for the whole project and state management with Redux. I was responsible for the Frontend Development of the project and was in charge of making UI user friendly, simple, easy & interactive.



Internshala Internship

The work hour for the internship was very comfortable. I built Frontend with React and was introduced to Django and PostgreSQL by backend intern which techs were completely new to me.

The main difficulty I faced was to implement Katex which can render Latex for a better quality of equations and formulas (especially Physics and Maths). But with hard work and team support, we achieved that and also successfully connected Frontend-Backend (React-Django) with servers getting data from Database (PostgreSQL).

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AgriCom - Agriculture Platform

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About Me.

Full Stack Web Developer.

I'm Harsh Prajapati, Full Stack Web Developer. I make websites with latest technologies and Frameworks.
I like to resolve coding problems, create smart user interface and imagine useful interaction, developing rich web experiences & web applications.
When not working or futzing around with code, I work on my body physic and Read books to Calm my Curious Mind.

  • Favorite
  • UI/UX
  • is Fun.
  • Good At.