Merkle Singapore

Junior Developer at Merkle Singapore (Formerly known as Happy Marketer)

  • Stack JavaScript, jQuery
    Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics
  • Web/App Analytics Actively working with clients like NTUC Income, Levi's & many more.
  • Period July 2023 - Ongoing 2024

Junior Developer

I am working as a Junior Developer at Merkle Singapore (Formerly known as Happy Marketer). I am working on Web/App Analytics for clients like NTUC Income, Levi's, and many more. I am also working on Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics for clients.


Junior Developer

Merkle Singapore

• Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics expertise.

• Implemented dynamic solutions in GTM using JavaScript and jQuery.

• Analyzed web analytic tracking requirements, providing valuable insights.

• Designed customized technical tag strategies for web and mobile portals.

• Conducted rigorous QA and testing of JavaScript files.

• Collaborated directly with clients to translate requirements into technical strategies.

• Ensured accurate digital analytics and tag implementations across verticals.

Next Work

Kainash Enterprices - MERN Developer

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Let’s talk.

New projects, freelance, Internship inquiry or even a coffee.


About Me.

Full Stack Web Developer.

I'm Harsh Prajapati, Full Stack Web Developer. I make websites with latest technologies and Frameworks.
I like to resolve coding problems, create smart user interface and imagine useful interaction, developing rich web experiences & web applications.
When not working or futzing around with code, I work on my body physic and Read books to Calm my Curious Mind .
Looking for a Full Time Software Engineer or Full Stack Developer Opportunity

  • Favorite
  • UI/UX
  • is Fun.
  • Good At.