Super-Chat App

Fully Responsive Chatting App for single and group chats.

  • Stack React, Node, Express, MongoDB
  • Realtime,bi-directional Client-Server Communication Socket.IO
  • Period April - Ongoing 2022

Personal Project

A Super-Chat Application is Full-Stack Chat app for one on one chatting as well as group chatting features. Built using MERN stack and Chakra-UI.

Personal Project


Super-Chat App

I built this app using ReactJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB and NodeJs. Managed states using React-Context-API. Used Chakra-UI to make customizable and reusable UI components.

Worked on Full Stack project to expertising the MERN stack. As Chatting-Social-Media apps are used widely by people, I built this app to explore how it works, being built and managed by companies.

Next Work

Linkedin-Clone React-Redux

Default Message

Let’s talk.

New projects, freelance, Internship inquiry or even a coffee.


About Me.

Full Stack Web Developer.

I'm Harsh Prajapati, Full Stack Web Developer. I make websites with latest technologies and Frameworks.
I like to resolve coding problems, create smart user interface and imagine useful interaction, developing rich web experiences & web applications.
When not working or futzing around with code, I work on my body physic and Read books to Calm my Curious Mind .
Looking for a Full Time Software Engineer or Full Stack Developer Opportunity

  • Favorite
  • UI/UX
  • is Fun.
  • Good At.